Sport Management Program celebrates 2010 Graduation

Sport Management Program celebrates 2010 Graduation

The Sport Management Program graduated 21 students on an historical morning at Rice University. For the first time in 33 years, the Commencement Ceremony was taken indoors to Tudor Field House. The event also marked the first time a Rice University Commencement was held in the newly renovated Tudor Field House. The building was packed as President Leebron noted, and challenged the Rice Community to uphold the same measures for next year's Rice Basketball and Volleyball seasons.

The Faculty of the Sport Management Program look forward to graduation weekend as they are able to meet with parents of many of the students. Dr. Sosa says, "It is a real pleasure to shake the hands and meet the parents of our students. You can see the joy and appreciation in their eyes". The graduates of the 2010 Sport Management class were: Channing Grigsby, Rebecca Lin, Zack Harwood, JP Padron, Simon Bucknell, Jordan Dodson, Matt Weingast, Leslie Hinshaw, Andrew Novak, Kara Lawrence, Casey Michel, Jeramy Goodson, Robert Calhoun, Chris Brown, Andrew Sendejo, Mark Haynes, Jimmy Commerota, Toby Schiel, Maclovio Fernandez, Jonathan Runnells, and J'Corey Shepherd.