All Sport Management internships will be in the sport industry (except for very rare exceptions and only with the approval of the Chair of the Department of Sport Management).
Students must have an internship secured prior to enrolling in SMGT 376 or 377. Students can register for SMGT 376 or SMGT 377 after securing a Special Registration form from Professor Tom Stallings, who oversees the internship program.
The spirit of the Sport Management internship is that students will receive no more than 6 credit hours of internship while at Rice.
SMGT 379, the internship class with variable credit, should be used by Sport Management faculty very infrequently and for special circumstances only. SMGT 379 is not designed to allow a student to take 9, 12, or 15 credit hours of internship during their academic career.
A 3-credit hour internship requires a minimum of 150 working hours over the course of the semester. Each credit hour equals 50 working hours.
Previous work experience cannot be used towards the completion of a student's working hours.
Students must complete SMGT 260 (Introduction to Sport Management) & SMGT 276 (Sport Management Practicum) prior to enrolling in SMGT 376 or SMGT 377.
Students planning on enrolling in SMGT 376 or SMGT 377 are encouraged to meet with Professor Tom Stallings during the semester prior to their internship in order to discuss plans.
As part of their internship, students will be required to submit 20+ assignments during the course of the semester.