Meal With an Executive - Brian Cooper

Meal With an Executive - Brian Cooper

Brian Cooper, Business and Finance Officer for Rice Athletics was the Fall 2010's first “Meal with an Executive” guest held by the Rice University Sport Business Alliance, to discuss his diverse background in the sport industry and its influence on Rice University Athletics.

Cooper discussed with the students of the Sport Management program about how a diverse sport business background can really influence the business of college athletics. Cooper's educational and sport experience background is unique in that he has a JD from Columbia Law, and was the former President of the Rio Grande Vipers (Houston Rockets D-League Affiliate). With his diverse perspective in the business of sports, Cooper will attempt to create a financial model within Rice Athletics that will reduce spending and generate more revenue.

This was the first of this years’ “Meal with an Executive” series held by the Rice University Sport Business Alliance. The next "Meal with an Exec" guest will be Shannon Wright, Director of Administrative and Legislative Services USATFCCA. The Rice University Sport Business Alliance is a student-run organization whose mission is to create awareness and valuable opportunities for the students of the Sport Management Program at Rice University.