Jason Petro ’17 hired by Nike

Jason Petro ’17 hired by Nike

Jason Petro ‘17, a recent Rice University graduate, who double-majored in Sport Management and Mathematical Economic Analysis, has recently been hired by Nike as an Inventory Operation Analyst in Nike’s International Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon.

Petro moved directly to Oregon following his graduation from Rice. In the Summer of 2017, Petro interned with Nike as a Business Planner, one of many internships in his Rice career through the Department of Sport Management. Prior to Nike, Petro interned with the Houston Astros, the Houston Rockets, and Major League Baseball.

“My internship with Nike was, of course, very important,” Petro said. “My internships at Rice all taught me how to be effective at the job I'm doing now. Whether it's time management, technical skills, or communicating, every internship I had contributed to my growth.”

Jason Petro '17 at Nike

The demand to work at Nike is strong, as Petro joins a stream of talent that has flowed through the Department of Sport Management. Former Rice students Jesse Tsu ‘11, Christine Jeon ‘12, and Bo Sripharphan ’15 were all hired by Nike.

“I was interested in working for the best brand that makes incredible products on a global scale,” Petro said. “There are so many jobs at Nike that I knew I would be able to eventually find one that was for me.”

Petro is excited about his new full-time employment at Nike and the new goals he has set for his career.

“My goal is to find a role that I love and work with people who make me better,” Petro said. “I'm confident I can find that at Nike, but I also understand that reaching such an ambitious goal will take time.”

Petro will continue his analysis role he previously had as an intern. This consists of forecasting how many units will be received, shipped, and have on inventory in future months.

Brad Dohner, a senior from Spring, Texas, is majoring in Sport Management and minoring in Business.