Freshmen Becca Koval and Andi Bawcum get work experience early in their Rice careers

Freshman Becca Koval and Andi Bawcum get work experience early in the Rice career

As part of the Sport Management curriculum, Rice students will enroll in a class called “Sport Management Practicum” (SMGT 276). In this class, students often get their first taste of working in the sport industry as they take on a 100-hour mini-internship.

Becca Koval ’16 spent the semester working with IMG Marketing during Rice’s baseball season. She was responsible for selling programs and roster cards, monitoring sponsorship signs, and keeping track of sales.


“It gave me more experience with the background of sponsorship and sales in a college athletic environment,” Koval said. “It provided me with new sales techniques, an understanding of how sponsorship works, and in general, more experience in the business side of sports. It was a great experience.”

Andi Bawcum ’16 worked with the marketing office in Rice’s athletic department. She was in charge of making sure all the in-game promotions went smoothly and as planned.

“I have learned that there is a lot more going on during a Rice sporting event than a spectator realizes,” Bawcum said. “Considerable amounts of preparation and hard work go into the production of every event, and I have enjoyed being a part of that this semester.”

Koval and Bawcum, both varsity athletes at Rice, will benefit from getting involved in internships as freshmen. They will complete at least two more internships during the next three years which will make them very marketable after graduation.

Bianca Diaz, a sophomore from Woodbury, MN, is majoring in Sports Management and minoring in Business.