On April 19, 2015, the Rice University’s Event Management & Customer Service class (SMGT 366) will host the newly christened “Bowl Over Kid Cancer” event, which will take place at Palace Bowling Lanes from 6-9pm. Formerly called the Owl Bowl, all proceeds raised by the 3-hour bowling marathon will go to the late James Ragan’s Triumph Over Kid Cancer (TOKC) charity.
Ragan was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at the age of 13 and founded TOKC with his sister, Mecklin, to raise funds for pediatric cancer research. He matriculated with the Rice University Class of 2015 and was a member of Rice’s varsity golf team.
The event will feature a live DJ, raffle, silent auction, prizes for tournament winners, and special guests. Ten children from The Sunshine Kids, a non-profit organization dedicated to children with cancer, will be bowling as well. Barbeque cuisine and drinks will be provided for all participants.
According to students Joe Beck III and Trevor Caswell, the class chose to make TOKC the beneficiary to honor James Ragan and the legacy he left at Rice.
“TOKC means a lot to me,” Beck, who was a teammate of Ragan’s on Rice’s varsity golf team, said. “James spent his life post-diagnosis raising awareness for osteosarcoma and helping to find a cure. Rice is proud of what James accomplished, and we want to continue his pursuit.”
100% of the proceeds from the event will go toward TOKC, and MD Anderson has agreed to make a matching donation of the total amount raised.
“I didn’t personally know James, but I have been able to see the tremendous impact he had,” Caswell said. “I have met awesome people around both the University and the Houston area who support the cause, and we’re proud to be able to carry on what James started.”
This class, which is required for all Sport Management majors, is being co-taught by Dr. Jason Sosa, Senior Lecturer, and Diane Crossey, Senior Director of Event Operations and Guest Services for the Houston Texans.
Bowling lanes and sponsorship packages are still available. To sign-up for the event, click here: http://goo.gl/forms/BrCZckpSJz
For further information about Bowling Over Kid Cancer or to purchase a lane, contact Joe Beck at joseph.a.beck@rice.edu. To purchase a sponsorship package, contact Trevor Caswell at (512) 940-9068.
For more information about TOKC, visit triumphoverkidcancer.org.

Dominique Bessette, a senior from Antioch, IL, is majoring in Sport Management and minoring in Business.