SMGT Welcome Reception Showcases Student Work to Families

SMGT Welcome Reception Showcases Student Work to Families

During Families Weekend at Rice University, the Department of Sport Management and the Rice Sport Business Society (RSBS) jointly hosted a welcome reception for parents to meet faculty, staff, and students and learn about different opportunities the Department offers inside and outside the classroom.

“This event is important because all of the students who do Sport Management at Rice put in a lot of work and a lot of hours of effort,” said Pax Kaplan-Sherman ‘18, vice president of RSBS. “As a student, you’re devoting so much time to a certain pursuit, so it’s very nice when the organization behind that pursuit, behind all that time, has something for the parents that can bring it all together. The parents get to see where all the work is coming from.”

Parents Reception

One set of parents at the event was Michael and Janet Scott, parents of Taylor Scott ‘20, who landed her dream internship as a freshman with the Houston Super Bowl Host Committee. She applied to Rice early decision, set on majoring in Sport Management to eventually become a sports agent.

“Taylor’s brother is a senior here (at Rice), so she’s spent a lot of time on campus,” said Janet Scott. “She quickly realized that she loved the campus, loved Houston, and knew that the opportunities in Houston with all the sports teams was a perfect fit for her.”

The welcome reception also showcased RSBS, formerly known as the Rice University Sport Business Alliance (RUSBA). Over the past couple of years, the RSBS officers have rebranded the organization and made concentrated efforts to expand its influence on the Rice community and in Houston.

“[The RSBS officers] know how valuable this club can be, so they’re really revamping it and taking it to the next level,” said Kerri Barber, administrator for the Department of Sport Management. “They’re really reorganizing it and trying to make this club what it can fully be.”

RSBS is a student-run organization whose mission is to create awareness and valuable opportunities for the students of the Department of Sport Management at Rice University. In the past, the club has held sport industry panels, local mixers, student major declaration signing ceremonies, and monthly featured-speaker breakfasts.

Molly Mohr is an alumna of Rice University who double majored in sport management and English and minored in business.