Ryan Glassman '13 Hired by the NBA Associate Program

Ryan Glassman '13 Hired by the NBA Associate Program

Ryan Glassman ‘13 has recently been hired by the prestigious NBA Associate Program.

The Associate Program, a yearlong rotational program in which participants are placed in four different departments over a 12-month period, is a highly selective program. Including Glassman, there are currently eight participants involved in the program this year. After the conclusion of the program, they will join one of the four departments on a permanent capacity.

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When asked about how his internship experience as a student at Rice opened the door for this amazing opportunity, Glassman said, “I’ve always thought that is what differentiates the Rice Sport Management program from other tracks at Rice, is the ability to provide its students with valuable work experience at the undergraduate level.”

Glassman credits the work experience that he gained as an undergrad here at Rice as one of the main factors as to why he made it through the interview process.

“I was lucky enough to land a number of quality internship experiences at Rice that ranged across various sports and industries that I feel were beneficial in the process of applying and interviewing for the position.” Glassman, said. “In the interview process, I was able to point to a number of first-hand experiences to strengthen my qualification for a diverse rotational program, experiences that few other undergrad tracks can offer.”

Natalie Beazant, a junior from Manchester, England, is majoring in Sport Management.