Rice Sport Management Professor Wins 2011 TAHPERD Honor Award

Rice Sport Management Professor Wins 2011 TAHPERD Honor Award

Dr. Jimmy Disch, Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology, was recently awarded the TAHPERD Honor Award, an award given for a career of excellence. The ‘Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance’ or TAHPERD, was founded in 1923 and is a non-profit association comprised of over 4,500 professionals working in allied fields.

As a member of the TAHPERD association, Disch represents Rice University serving as current chair for the TAHPERD Sport Management section.

Disch was given the TAHPERD Honor Award in recognition for his significant contributions towards the fields of health education, physical education, and recreation.

Holt McNair, a junior from Austin, Texas, is majoring in Sport Management.