Laurie McNamara ’12 organizing fundraiser for breast cancer research at Rice volleyball match

Laurie McNamara ’12 organizing fundraiser for breast cancer research at Rice volleyball match

In high school, Laurie McNamara ’12 was touched by a story of a close teammate’s mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer. In her search to get involved, Laurie organized her first breast cancer awareness fund-raising event. Now at Rice, McNamara is inspired to do it again.

Laurie McNamara

On Friday, Oct. 21, Rice will face Memphis in what’s being called the “Dig Pink Match.” McNamara and the Rice volleyball team are working in conjunction with “Dig Pink” to raise money for breast career research. “Dig Pink” is a part of the Side-Out Foundation which raised $1.4 million at 1,600 volleyball games in 2010.

McNamara, a Sport Management major, set a goal of raising $1,000 by Oct. 21, a goal which has already been surpassed.

“My teammate's mom is now cancer free, but that isn't always the case,” McNamara said. “One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, so there is a good chance that the disease will affect you or someone you know. This event helps us to raise awareness and raise funds to help find ways to fight against this awful disease. I appreciate your generosity and look forward to seeing you at the match!”

Donations can be made online (publicly or anonymously) at

D’Frantz Smart, a junior from Chicago, IL, is a Sport Management major.