The Buzz About Michael Kidd '17

The Buzz About Michael Kidd '17

Michael Kidd '17

Rice University is a place of opportunity and promise. Michael Kidd ’17 has taken full advantage of that opportunity and there is much promise for his future.

Kidd has invested in a wide variety of passions during his past three years at Rice University. He has served as the Rice Baseball team manager, wrote over 80 different articles for the campus newspaper, and has been an active member of a Christian organization on campus called Chi-Alpha.

As a student, Michael had a tough decision to make between all of the majors offered at Rice, but eventually he chose Sport Management.

“The Sport Management major was the ideal fit because it’s a great major for those who have a passion for the industry,” Kidd said. “It also caters to those interested in communication, business, management, law and analytics.”

Kidd’s passion in sports also led him to work for Rice’s campus newspaper, The Rice Thresher, as a sport writer. The Thresher has been in business since 1916 and has proven to be a great spotlight for activities, groups, and individuals at Rice.

“I’ve really enjoyed writing for The Thresher,” Michael said. “I don’t know what my future holds, but writing for them has driven me to look deeper into the continuation of my writing career.“

After working with Tom Stallings, the professor who oversees career development for Sport Management majors, Kidd will be interning with The Buzz this summer.

“The Buzz is a credible online magazine and select publication reporting on the most accomplished and well known areas of Houston,” Kidd said. “The students, athletes, and community leaders who are featured on the website are great examples to live by, and this was very appealing to me when I looked further into writing for the Buzz.”

Kidd may not know what his future holds, but one thing is for sure. He is headed in the right direction.

Blake Fox, a senior from Bellaire, Texas, is majoring in Sport Management.